No matter what our social position is or how much money we are earning. But, every one of us has to face emotional ups and downs at some point or other in our lives. The reason behind the emotional distress may vary from person to person depending on the individual life circumstance. While most of the time we might fight our emotions, sometimes the crisis might go beyond our controlling ability. In such a situation when we feel low or empty and all our efforts to control our emotional outbursts seem to fail, we might need the help of a therapist.
Here we will discuss the five alarming signs that you need to seek an online therapist to cope with your situation.
Feeling sad or angry very often
Anger and sadness are negative emotions that we all experience in our daily lives. Although it’s normal to experience such emotions but to an extent. You must understand yourself and notice your emotions very keenly to understand their severity. If you are getting angry at very small issues and almost everyone, it’s a sign that something is not correct. Sometimes these negative feelings escalate to a point where you might question your existence and can even have suicidal thoughts. If such is your thoughts, reach out for help immediately.
Using drugs or alcohol to cope
Sometimes when we can no longer bear our pain we lookout for an escape. You may be so overwhelmed with your emotions that the consumption of alcohol or drugs might seem to be the only way to feel better. Although this substance can make you feel better for some time, it’s of no use in the long run. Besides, it’s extremely harmful to your health. So, if you are a victim of substance abuse and want to find a better way to deal with your emotions, consult a therapist right away.
You have lost someone very important to you
You may be strong enough to fight with your emotions in the toughest time of life. But, the loss of a loved one can break you into pieces. It becomes extremely difficult to endure pain in such a situation. Although you might not need counseling in other difficult situations of life, there is no shame to consult a therapist when you have no one else left to share your emotions with.
Occurrence of a traumatic event
All of us know that our life is completely uncertain and anything can happen at any time. Even if you take all preventive and safety measures, there is no guarantee that we will never encounter any trauma in our life. Sometimes, you may have experienced abuse in your childhood. Or you might be a victim of an accident or crime. The thought of which haunts you. No matter what’s the reason behind the trauma that you have faced. What’s most important is you must find out ways to handle your emotions better. And, there is no better way than a therapist to help you achieve it.
You don’t like doing things that you once enjoyed the most
People experiencing emotional distress often feel alienated from the outer world. They even lose interest in doing things that they once loved. Whether it’s your hobbies or something else. If you are experiencing the same as well as a feeling of inner emptiness, there is something more that you should look out for. Losing interest in socializing or practicing your hobbies often points to a deeper cause like depression or mood disorder.
The bottom line
Although sometimes it may be difficult to identify the exact situation when you need an expert’s help, knowing the alarming signs can help. One must not hesitate to make an appointment with a therapist as the opportunity to talk with a mental health expert without the fear of judgment can be life-changing. But before making an appointment with the therapist, reading a few of these articles written by experts can give you a better understanding of online therapy and its benefits.